

This is the view from standing place. Weather in the winter is bad almost all the time and once in a while we get a nice clear beautiful day and today was one of those days. This is the view from Standing Place.

photography, stories

The chopper comes. Everybody is excited–we are going on 10 days without mail today. The chopper lands. In lieu of mail, the Huey brought freight (food) for the school, a phone technician, and a passel of heat-packin’ USPS agents to do some good old inspectin’. The only official word is that the post here is shut down–rumor has it we may get a delivery of mail in a few days.

Want to hear a funny story? The chopper came at lunch-break, so I ran out to take a few pictures of the take off. When I got down there, they had finished unloading some freight and there were a bunch (4 or 5) of people all standing out by the chopper. Weird…usually we don’t get passengers on mail day. They were taking pictures and talking, sorta like tourists, also weird. And they walk by and on this one tall fellow’s leg I see strapped a big ol’ forty-five. In my mind I’m like “who does this guy think he is? just walk into town packin’ a big old handgun? what is he, mr. sheriff?!” and right as that last thought was going through my mind I see, sewn on his duffle bag, a “federal law enforcement” badge. My next thought: “hmm. so he probably is the sheriff.”

I was thankful in that moment that humans don’t communicate telepathically.

The chopper was back by the end of the school day and I managed to run out and snap a few more pictures in the beautiful sunset light.






Here is a magic trick. There is a bulldozer, you see it?

Abacadabra, now you don’t!

Later mother nature, having preformed this trick quite a few times, got bored and did a little finale by knocking the dozer over like a top-heavy vase.DSCF3544



One of my favorite pictures to take is the one after which I have to turn around and run as quickly as possible. That wave, as best as I could tell, was somewhere between eight and ten feet



Subtle colors aren’t even halfway captured by a photo, no matter the greatness of the lens, sensor or film, or photographer. Subtle colors never fail to make me want to paint.
