other, stories

Place. What is it? Where’s mine and where’s yours, right? Cities, towns, pueblos and glens and farms, where’s who’s place? There are books and theories and studies about this idea, this thing: place. And I don’t need any of them. And did I really commit homonymage there? Yes, because it looked better that way.

Because today work put me in my place. Hands of stone and no gloves and no 3 minute rounds with the 30 second breaks inbetween. Me, living breathing sweating bleeding heavy bag, while work did well the role of Ali, of Fraser, of Ward.

But you know, for the unpleasantness of it, maybe one twentieth the magnitude of that unpleasantness, there is a refreshing feeling about a good ass whuppin’. Very small, probably even smaller than a twentieth of the unpleasantness. But it’s there. Bleeding heart’s a beating heart. Breathe in. out. in. out. Breathe out deep. And breathe in deep. Breathe deep. Shake it off.

Time to go home and eat and sleep. We step into the ring again tomorrow.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.


Two weeks at home in Seattle and now off to live and work in Alaska. I don’t think my head’s around it, maybe only just a tiny bit, and that’s enough for now.

Road trip, 1990 Jeep, mom and me doing driving shifts, loaded up with clothing and food and camping gear and books, my pair of boots I got in 9th grade ($25, they still fit great), one camera and lens and lots of bw film and a bit of color film and dark room chemicals.



I’m signed up for a Substitute Teacher orientation session in Soldotna, AK on October 20th; before one chapter’s really over the next one starts, that’s the way in the world today, and it doesn’t help my mind and heart to not be completely revuelto. Or maybe I’m wrong and it means that one chapter is really over.


Taken from the road to Sebep. I did the trip on a dirtbike with a backpack full of school supplies a few weeks ago. No badge or golden star for it; and that’s alright by me.


You can screw over a native people so that a few ruins are the only reminder of all that they once were, but you can’t keep the masons from doing their thing. They continue to build damn crazy stairways. This is for you, Mayan stone workers. Keep it up.