
Evergreen’s bo-105 is broken down again, and there was a LOT of stuff in the connex in Wales. Like, many thousands of pounds of mail and groceries.

They called in backup, rustled up a bigger steed for captain mike. The Bell UH-1 Iroquois, star of Vietnam war movies, is known colloquially as the ‘huey.’ We felt it coming long before we could see or hear it.

AWESOME. Second only to when the CG Jayhawk lands here. Although….even though the coasties and their jayhawk are great, there is something uniquely special about having a big old beautiful chopper from the 60’s bring the groceries and mail.




Please take a moment to notice a particular entertaining detail: see the spot in the first picture where the wave is crashing up and over the rocks, just to the left (i.e. ahead) of the wave, there’s a bunch of little spray. That spray comes down in a way like those first big raindrops of a thunderstorm pattering into the tarmac. But instead of being followed by wind and a building storm over the next half hour, this heavy pattering of water drops is followed in a fraction of a moment by a few hundred gallons of icy bering sea. Now look at the second picture again. Thankfully I was kneeling, so a quick curl-into-fetal-position-around-the camera maneuver worked; no bruises and my camera seems to still work fine.



other, photography

Well, it works like this. See that picture, that funny looking boat? Well, it’s a barge and tug, actually, loaded with a lot of diesel fuel. They come around once a year. The fuel they deliver powers the village power plant and is sold to individuals for home heating–google ‘toyo stove’ to see how the majority of alaskans heat their homes.



Standing next one of these big beautiful wild birds, it kindles odd and hard to understand feelings inside a person. Well, sorta--the exception is the "I want to fly this plane" feeling. That one's clear as a bell.
Standing next one of these big wild birds (T-6), it kindles complex feelings inside a person. Well, sort of. The exception is the “I want to fly this plane” feeling. That feeling is clear like the feeling of running into a wall.