
Tonight the best in Guatemala faces off with the boys of Seattle. For all that’s awesome about Seattle and Sigi and Keller and Pike Place Market and the squad, lets rout them 4-1.

(and…ah hem..er…for my ego, too)

Alonso, I really, really really wanna see you stuff one in the net. Métela pués compadre, métela con huevones!

We won. 4-1.
I can’t recall the last time I was that happy about a soccer game :D 


Taken from the road to Sebep. I did the trip on a dirtbike with a backpack full of school supplies a few weeks ago. No badge or golden star for it; and that’s alright by me.


You can screw over a native people so that a few ruins are the only reminder of all that they once were, but you can’t keep the masons from doing their thing. They continue to build damn crazy stairways. This is for you, Mayan stone workers. Keep it up.