
Well, sunset or sunrise? This time of year they are nearly the same thing…the sun peeks up for a few hours then goes back down. We’ll call this one a sunset, because flying away into the sunset (in a helicopter!) is epic.

Safe travels, merry Christmas and a happy New Years to Catherine, Jori, Moses and Willis!



From the north the sea ice keeps coming from the Chukchi sea.

In the south the sun sets over the Bering sea.

other, stories

A voice said, Look me in the stars
And tell me truly, men of earth,
If all the soul-and-body-scars
Were not too much to pay for birth.

Robert Frost


I’ve tried five times to write something for, or about, or from a tragedy that happened here last weekend, and nothing works, nothing fits.

Maybe a quote. Yeah, a quote. I thought about all the deep, searing and good quotes. Hemingway, Faulkner, McCarthy, Steinbeck. nope. nothing fit.

and that’ll do, for now.


Fourth try’s the charm.

It helped that it was a wildly-rare calm night. When it’s windy I have to hug the tripod to keep it from blowing over. This would work dandy if it weren’t for the fact that my body temperature drops to violent-shiver-level quickly when I stand still hugging a tripod in the wind for anything more then 10-15 seconds.