
I like the sunsets here. Well come to think about it, I’ve never lived somewhere I didn’t like the sunsets. ‘Guess that means I like sunsets, generally speaking.


I like how sometimes one is wildly different from the next and sometimes its only a dab of color or a cloud differentiating one night’s sunset to the next, and I like how right after it disappears below the horizon someone a thousand miles away just turned a head to watch the sunset begin to mark the end of another day.

photography, stories

Firsts: ice axe, crampons, beard-frozen-to-parka, solo top trip, winter top trip.

I’m not sure I would’ve made it down safely if it weren’t for the tea and biscuits shot of calories and warmth one little climb short of the top.

The picture with the little pointy mountain is a shot east towards mainland AK and the village of Wales.

The nighttime shot is of the school, during the home-stretch back. I underestimated (badly) both how much daylight I had left and how long it’d take me.

The picture of me, that’s the only place up there where I could stand up straight-ish.




It was a good monday afternoon :)

diomede, photography

Ice fog, snow and the fierce winter wind is beautiful in it’s unique way, but it’s nice to see the deep blue sky and our russian neighbor island once in a while. It’s been at least a week, maybe two, since I’ve seen something aside of white when I look out my classroom windows…


And in unrelated news, a box with tea in it and another with a nerf gun in it came in the mail this week :-). Money can’t buy happiness, I’m a firm believer, but it can buy nerf guns. money can buy big nerf guns. and big nerf guns are up there with homemade cookies, good cigars, coffee and good tea for being close to happiness.

see the nerf gun down there in the sneaky hiding place?
(of course, because of it's default status, the irish breakfast tea is in a lower cupboard closer to the stove)
(of course, because of it’s default status, the irish breakfast tea is in a lower cupboard closer to the stove)

Which could it be? Or is it something else?  Some years ago I decided that type of philosophy isn’t my slice of pie–I’m perfectly happy not knowing which it is. Five years ago, what I wondered if my life might become is what it’s become; where I am now is exactly where I wanted to be–two years ago–in two years.

…well…almost. There’s a missing piece.

A variety of wonderful loose-leaf tea should arrive in my PO box within a few weeks.


funny, photography

Do we have an oven? Pots and pans and all ingredients to make a cake from scratch? Yes and yes. Does that make it any less entertaining to apply bush-teacher kitchen-mentality to making cake? Not in the slightest.

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red sunset through the steam from the ocean at the edge of the sea ice, shot with freezing hands (“I’ll just step outside for a second to take a picture”) from the snowbank behind my place

Yesterday morning my beard saved a dropped lucky charm marshmallow from a certain dirty-floor demise. A glorious first and a herald of things yet to come.


The good news is, they aren’t actually white, they look really yellow-ish, so they’re not all that hard to spot, and they purportedly don’t like to climb on the island, so safety is only a quick scramble away. No polar bears to see on this walk, maybe better luck next time.



Ok, first thing’s first, if you’re not an avid Pearls follower, this won’t make a lot of sense. If you are, then…

Larry lives! WHOOOOHOOO!

Larry Lives!

other, photography

start with some vienna sausages and make some bisquick. narrowly averted disaster when i started to crack the egg into the pan instead of the pancake mix
start with some vienna sausages and make some bisquick. and don’t accidentally start to crack the egg (for the bisquick pancake mix) into the pan, otherwise you’ll have some weird eggy-texture-mini-blobs in the pancake.
get those little guys good and crispy and delicious
get those little guys good and crispy and delicious
add some savory spice and pour that batter right on in there, on top of that sizzlin' canned meat
add some savory spice and pour that batter right on in there, on top of that sizzlin’ canned meat
put the spatula down child, no use for one of those. flip that big-boy-size fried pan-meatcake like a professional
put the spatula back in the drawer, child, no use for one of those. flip that big-boy-size fried pan-meatcake like a professional
and the maple syrup, put that down too. while you're over by the cupboard, grab the bottle of sriracha, 'cuz that's what you need for a big-boy-size panmeatcake.
and the maple syrup, put that back in the cupboard too, you won’t need it. while you’re over by the cupboard, grab the bottle of sriracha, ‘cuz that’s what you will need for this big-boy-size panmeatcake.