Practicing on a (newly acquired rental) violin in my room as the sun gets close to setting:
Shot with a D200, Zeiss 50/1.4
Music and sunshine
Practicing on a (newly acquired rental) violin in my room as the sun gets close to setting:
Shot with a D200, Zeiss 50/1.4
having fun with it? are you just starting now? that can be pretty tough :) I play the viola, by the way :)
Oh, oodles of fun. I’ve tried music before, always had a real difficult time and felt like I was doing battle with the instrument–for some reason the violin feels very intuitive. Yes ma’am, first lesson last week :)
Right on–the viola was a very close second choice, but the violin won out in the end. A friend describes the viola as the mature, intellectual and developed woman in her 20’s, and the violin as the hot but shallow and screechy high school young lady. Give you three guesses to figure out which instrument this friend plays…
oh, I have absolutely no idea.. :D but, well, she’s right ;)